hi im peril or perilouh or watever da hell you wanna call me.

ive been building this site for almost a year but ive been "programming" on n off for almost 4 years! i started in late elementary during my stupid technology class thing in 5th grade and wow its been ages why does time do that

i made this little website from scratch and it fun :3 except when i i i have to deal with css that shit makes me wanna die oh my fukjng god. but fuck it we ball

no buttons for anything *yet* but: main interests/hobbies, character/world building stuff, and the test page (idk how to use my vscode live server bullshit thing)

webmaster page

soon to be a general update log!! the webmaster page and the interest page will have their own :p

also btw if you inspect element my page and see the css specifcied and not in a style.css thing its because a: idk how to connect them im dumb af and b: new pages arent gonna all use the same layout. i need to figure out how to css tho srsly i got NO clue how that works and i need to learn but im hella busy kshdjhfkdsjhdj